IELTS Reading Tips
IELTS Reading Tips: There are different ways to prepare IELTS Reading module. Reading English articles, magazines, encyclopedias, newspapers, etc., help prepare for IELTS Reading. It would be best to read different topics such as geography, history, English storybooks, culture, social, etc.
- Tip 1: To improve your reading speed, make it a habit to read words in groups/chunks rather than word by word. Attempt to read for at least 2 hours per day. Read anything that piques your attention, but make sure it’s written in English. The three reading passages cover many topics and come from books, newspapers, journals, or magazines. So, whenever feasible, try to read recent news, newspapers, magazines, trip brochures, etc.
- Tip 2: Keep in mind that you’re reading for a reason, not for fun. When you’re practicing, develop a habit of scanning the text for titles and headings, as well as any unique print such as CAPITAL, Bold, Italic, “quotation,” and underlined terms. Always pay attention to the instructions supplied with the reading passages and comprehend what the question is looking for.
- Tip 3: Understand the pattern– When seeking an answer to a reading question, there is typically an excellent place to start. This necessitates knowledge of each paragraph’s core theme or topic. Working out the key idea or theme of each paragraph in the early stages of examining the material can save you a lot of time.
- Tip 4: Do practice tests– You must pass practice tests to work on reading texts and questions. It would help if you spent time developing vocabulary and limiting paraphrasing, practicing certain types of questions, developing information retrieval speed, taking a practice test outside of an exam setting so that you can work on skills, taking practice tests in an exam setting to check your score and improve. It would be best if you prepared yourself.
- Tip 5: Read carefully– You need to read and understand parts of the article carefully to determine which answer is best for each question. Before an article, the only question type is the corresponding title, and you don’t need to read the article first. All questions, except one, are given after passing, as it is recommended to scroll through the article before the question. This question is similar to question 2. However, it focuses on a single question rather than the whole reading portion.
- Tip 6: Time management– You will not complete the IELTS Academic Reading Test on time if you spend five minutes on each question. You will also leave many questions unanswered. If you spend 30 minutes on the first text to make sure each answer is correct, you will probably miss the questions in the second and third sections and thus lose your grades there. Sometimes there may be questions to test your understanding of a given passage. Read the questions first and identify the subjects to quickly locate each area of the text where you can find your answers.
- Tip 7: Developing vocabulary– Because most of the responses will be synonyms or paraphrases of the question, the reading test is also a vocabulary test. Because the language in the question may differ from the language in the text, you’ll need to improve your reading abilities (which you can only accomplish by reading every day) to paraphrase and understand the question.
Free IELTS reading practice test
- Tip 8: Keyword– Each question will include keywords that will aid you in finding the information in the passage and determining the correct answer. You should learn to recognize and employ essential terms correctly. It’s also a good idea to see if the vital words may be paraphrased. When you go over your answers in practice reading courses, you’ll quickly learn how to use binding terms correctly. Some crucial words are self-evident, such as names, dates, numbers, and locations. Other important terms are more subdued.