Three reading passages are included in the IELTS reading test. Academic test takers and general training test takers have various reading sections.

Academic Reading passages come from magazines, journals, research papers, books, and newspapers. Texts have been written for a non-specialist audience. All of the topics are of general interest. They deal with interesting, recognizably relevant issues. They are understandable to candidates beginning undergraduate or postgraduate studies or seeking professional registration.

General Training Reading texts come from notices, advertisements, official documents, booklets, newspapers, instruction manuals, leaflets, timetables, books, and magazines. The first section, ‘social survival,’ contains texts according to basic linguistic survival in English, with tasks primarily involving collecting and providing general factual information. The second section, ‘Training Survival,’ focuses on the training context, such as the program or welfare needs. Section 2 of the General Training Reading paper focuses on the work environment (e.g., applying for jobs, company policies, pay and conditions, workplace facilities, staff development, etc.).

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