IELTS Speaking

IELTS speaking tips

The IELTS Speaking test is divided into three components and takes 5 to 15 minutes to complete. The interview with a qualified examiner is part of the sub-test. The entire conversation is recorded for later examination. An IELTS Speaking examination has three main parts (part 1: introduction and interview, part 2: cue card/candidate task card, and part 3: details discussion), and the examinees are assessed twice for clarity.

IELTS Speaking Topics from the original IELTS examinations are included in this section. It has both the IELTS Speaking Topics and their example answers, so you’ll know how to respond to them.

Read as many speaking examples as you need to become familiar with three different sections of the IELTS Speaking test and respond to these questions. This practice would improve your speaking ability because you’d regularly be confronted with unfamiliar and unpredictable inquiries.

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